Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We arrived at our early 6-cylinder car tour destination on Sunday, Sept. 8, 2013.  We are the Baker's, in Baker City, which is in Baker County, Oregon for this entire week.  How's that for a lot of Baker?  Alli & Adri are the 2 lucky grandkids who got to come with us and it will be a great learning experience for us all.  We are touring around in our 1931 Chevy Cabriolet.

Monday, Sept 9, we got to ride the narrow gauge train from McKuen to Sumpter, OR.
 We rode in an open car all the way there; we got a few cinders on us.  We rode in the enclosed passenger car on the way back.
 The conductor punched smiley faces in the girls tickets.

We got to tour the dredge used in mining gold from the river.  Each of the 75 buckets on the belt weighed a ton.
 We are having fun with our new 'looks'.  Maybe you won't even recognize us.

1 comment:

  1. looks like your having WAY too much fun in BAKER, you baker's. ha. love it!
